Money Habits Reset

Learn Key Money Habits to Thrive, not just Survive


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Do you want to improve how you manage your money?

Have you ever heard of the saying, "you are your habits"?

Habits can be incredibly helpful, when they're the right habits.  They can also keep us on a cycle of frustration and repetition that means we feel stuck and aren't progressing (if they're the wrong habits).

What are habits?

Essentially, they are behaviours repeated on a regular basis, which then form a neural pathway that "embeds" themselves in our regular routines.

Imagine muscle memory, but for the brain.

That's why it's easy to get stuck in a rut which feels so difficult to get out of again.  What makes it even more difficult, is when you:

  1. Haven't identified what your money habits actually are
  2. Aren't clear on whether those money habits are helpful or holding you back
  3. Don't know what your money habits should be!

I've spent over a decade working on my money habits, and I have read A LOT about habits and psychology and what makes our brains "tick".

This is why I've created this program "Money Habits Reset", to share the techniques with you that I have learned, so you can FAST TRACK your journey and not have to rely on trial and error.

Below are the building blocks of how you will learn to build the right money habits for your future:


What you Believe to be possible with your money


Clarity on what you want, so your habits can help you


The Money Habits that will help you thrive!

You don't need to be a super organised person

Something that holds most of us back is either - too much information, or not enough of the right information.

Let's face it, in this day and age there is a LOT of information out there.  This is part of the problem - not being able to discern what is right for us.  Because, we haven't really figured out what we want and why.

This is often mistaken for being indecisive and dis-organised, when it's really being unclear about what we want and WHY.

Here is what you can expect to get out of Money Habits Reset:

  • Instant access to the first module so you can get going (I would give you all the information at once, but there is a sequence that will help you more)
  • A downloadable Playbook to guide you and collect the thoughts that come to you along the way
  • Email access to me, so you can ask questions.

 So what does all this mean for you?

  • Becoming unstuck from where you currently find yourself with money
  • Greater clarity on where you are headed, so your habits can support you
  • More aligned decisions when it comes to money
  • Feeling of calm, knowing that you can trust your ability to manage your money habits
  • More time and energy to enjoy life as your habits are set in motion to support you!

About Alpha

A little bit about my story and the journey that brought me to create this program - I started out as a tax accountant and moved into management consulting and then studied financial planning.  It was then that I realised how much we aren't taught about personal finance, and as I started helping friends and family to start with, I also realised the personal "stuff" that needs to be worked on and shifted!  So, my approach is very wholistic - helping you identify your Lifestyle Vision, then working on your limiting beliefs and money stories, as well as your habits and goals. Then comes the money work - by then you are set up, clear and ready to take action!

I live in Brisbane, Australia, with my husband and young daughter.