#100 What We Pay Attention to Improves

Season #1

 Think of the different areas of your life, and what happens if you don't pay them enough attention:

  • Relationship with your partner - this doesn't get better with less communication (especially if you avoid talking about money)
  • Relationship with your kids - they want to be seen and heard, and that means paying them  focused attention
  • Your garden - it won't be beautiful or healthy if you complete ignore it!
  • Your relationship with money - it will deteriorate the more you ignore it, and the issues that are there now will just get bigger.

I could go on, but I think you get my point.

I could go on, but I think you get my point. The more attention you pay something, the healthier it becomes.

This was inspired by my recent gardening endeavours and how much better my vege patch is after paying it some decent attention!