#103 Manifestation and Money Strategy

Season #1

Manifestation and Money Strategy might seem like a odd combination, but in order to make anything real (which is what manifestation essentially is), you first need to be super clear.

Strategy gives you direction and is a way to condense your "wish list" into a structure that you can make plans and then tasks lists on.

Alignment between your strategy, plans and tasks are important.  Think about making a meal, or organising a holiday, or renovating a house.  Without first knowing what you want to do (or where you want to go, or what you want to eat), it makes everything else completely random and even more difficult.

Here are the 5 elements I go through in this episode:

  1. What do you want?
  2. Why do you want it?
  3. How will you do it?  (what action step(s) will create movement towards what you want)
  4. Money audit (knowing where your money is coming and going)
  5. Visualisation.

Now is the time to get clear and be strategic about your money and finances!

If you want some help with this, here is what I mention in the episode - Money Makeover (money-madesimple.com.au)