In case you missed it...

The webinar "Rewire Your Money Habits & Beliefs" just finished, and here is the video replay!

Financial Fulfillment in 7 Simple Steps

An Online Course + Much More!

Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the "money stuff" that you need to know and deal with, while also trying to figure out what you want from your life let alone your money? 

Money is a tool that allows us choices - to live the way we want to, aligned with what we value most in life.

What if you're still trying to figure that part out - what lights you up?  What makes you happy?

While this is a course that helps you figure out the "money stuff", it focuses on who YOU are as a person.  Identifying your Core Values, and helping you reconnect (or discover) what you want in life, the lifestyle you want to live as a result, and then match your money to this vision.

Money is not something we're taught.  There is no handbook that we can all follow from childhood into adolescence, early adulthood and onwards. 

There are SO many things that are either meant to be magically "known", or you stumble along figuring out what works and what doesn't through trial and error

It's time to take charge and live your life and money journey deliberately!

There are also some pretty fundamental things that you need to know and do to make sure your money is protected.  There is also a lot of jargon around this, and it doesn't have to be complex.  Once you know it, you know it.

This course will help empower you with this knowledge, so you can do as much or as little as you want.  You can still choose to outsource things to financial professionals, but at least you will understand what they are doing with your money, so you can make sure it aligns with your lifestyle.

Financial Fulfillment in 7 Simple Steps is the signature program that walks you through the main areas you will need to get your money sorted!

What is included:

  • Values Discovery Session.  This is a one-on-one session with Alpha, either in person or over Zoom where we identify your Core Values.  This will help set you up for the remainder of the program, and set you on the path to igniting who YOU are as a person (not just the mum, wife, daughter, sister, carer or friend, etc.);
  • 7 online modules delivered weekly.  Each module includes a video to talk you through the content, a workbook (which is conversationally written, with all jargon explained clearly) for you to follow along with, and an easy to implement activity related to that week's topic;
  • Weekly Live Q&A sessions over the 7 weeks so you can share stories and concerns and ask Alpha questions. These will be recorded in case you can't attend, and you can also submit questions beforehand, which will be covered during the session;
  • Bonus content and information, including a workbook to support the online course;
  • Lifetime access to a Private Facebook Group, where you can always ask questions and have contact with Alpha and other group members (there’s nothing like having a supportive community!);
  • Extended access to the online modules for an additional 7 weeks because let's face it, life happens! That means in total you will have access for 14 weeks;
  • Ability to purchase discounted additional private coaching sessions with Alpha, if you need some extra help.

This program is targeted to help you identify:

  1. WHY you want money
  2. WHAT kind of lifestyle you actually want
  3. WHERE you can save money.
  4. TAKE ACTION (the HOW) to experience the lifestyle you want!
Change will never happen unless you DO something!
This Program is designed to make sure you experience positive change.


Registration is currently closed for 2022.  Fill in the form to go on the waitlist to find out when registration will open again in 2023!


Financial Fulfillment in 7 Simple Steps

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Financial Fulfillment in 7 Simple Steps

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