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Money Mindset, Finance, Female small business owners

Inside the Enriched Life Club

business finance business mindset money mindset personal finance Oct 25, 2023

What is the Enriched Life Club, you might be asking?

It's the ONE PLACE for Women Business Owners who want to generate enough money to support the lifestyle they want now and in retirement, with the confidence to know they won't run out of money!

PLUS, Mindset Tools and Strategies to support you actually achieving your goals! 

It is a live, online group that will help you gain:

  • Greater confidence in your decision making when it comes to money
  • Peace of mind to know you can pay your bills
  • Comfort to know you will have enough money in retirement
  • Happiness when you see your savings and investments grow
  • Excitement when you realise your business can now scale and make more money!
  • More time to enjoy life as the systems you have set up hum along.

The image below also shows you what the Monthly Themes are, which the Live Masterclasses are based on.

That's the WHAT.  Now for the WHY.

When I started my business, it was more to share what I had learned about personal finance.  I wanted as many people as possible to know what I had learned through personal experience, and from both working with a financial planner and studying financial planning.

The more clients I worked with, the more I noticed a pattern - female small business owners who were completely overwhelmed and confused around not just their personal finances, but also how to manage cashflow in their business.  Then came the mental barriers that were holding them back from growing!

Another pattern I noticed was that almost all my clients came from 3 industries - healing modalities, education and creative arts. Blending money and spirituality seems like an odd combination, but as money is essentially energy, and spirituality draws much of its practice from energy, there shouldn't have been much of a surprise there.

Being able to offer regular information and support (and accountability where wanted) in a space that was calm, inclusive and non-judgmental is what I set out to create.  And the Enriched Life Club was borne.

My ultimate vision is to help as many women as possible become financially independent, so they can live their life on their terms, and be able to do what they want, how they want and when they want.  It then becomes about the freedom to make the CHOICES that YOU want for your life.

In case you're curious, the word "Enriched" to me means uplifted, as well as uplevelling, and enhancing the "richness" in your life - both financially and holistically.

So that, in a nutshell is the story behind the Enriched Life Club.  I hope you feel a little bit excited about it.  I'm super excited about what it is and what it can do for female small business owners.

To find out more -

If you would like to book in for a complimentary Clarity Chat to see if this program is right for you, click here.