Money Made Simple Blog

Giving Your Money a Purpose money management money mindset Aug 15, 2024

When it comes to financial management, the money you earn—whether dollars, euros, pounds, or yen—needs a purpose. Otherwise, it simply dissipates. This principle is essential for both your money and your life. As someone who spent much of my twenties searching for purpose, I’ve...

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Inside the Enriched Life Club business finance business mindset money mindset personal finance Oct 25, 2023

What is the Enriched Life Club, you might be asking?

It's the ONE PLACE for Women Business Owners who want to generate enough money to support the lifestyle they want now and in retirement, with the confidence to know they won't run out of money!

PLUS, Mindset Tools and Strategies to support you...

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Money Stories & Relationships money mindset Aug 30, 2023

As humans we learn through stories.  Before pen and paper, or quill and papyrus, we told stories to share important information across generations.  Even now, we are more likely to remember a story which includes some facts, than if the facts were just told to us.

Watching my 8...

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Does Willpower Work? budgeting money mindset Jun 14, 2023

Willpower is one of those words that most of us scringe at the thought of, but somehow think we need more of.

What is willpower?  Psychologists define it as the ability to delay gratification, resisting short-term temptations in order to meet long-term goals The capacity to override an...

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Success and the Power of YET beliefs get good with money money mindset money stories Apr 26, 2023

Success is often linked with happiness. Both are states that many of us aspire to and are in a constant state of pursuing. How do we know when we are successful though? How do we know when we are happy?

Understanding what success is for you and why this is your vision of success is important....

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