Money Made Simple Blog

Do You Have a Fun Fund? getgoodwithmoney learnaboutmoney savingmoney Jun 05, 2022

OK, enough “serious” talk about money (from earlier blog posts) – income, spending, saving, investing and legacy. 

What are some of the things we want money for?

To house, feed and clothe us for starters.  What about fun stuff?  For me it’s travel and...

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Earning 6-Figures: Blessing or Burden? building wealth learnaboutmoney Jun 01, 2022

If you're earning a 6-figure income - congratulations! Chances are you didn't start earning 6 figures when you began working, so it's a heady feeling now having exceeded what is for many people a lifelong earning ceiling.

Whether you're conscious of it or not, there is a change in how you think...

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Money Pillar #4 - Invest investmoney learnaboutmoney moneypillars May 26, 2022

Hopefully you’re starting to see how the 5 Money Pillars build on one another.  It’s a bit like laying the foundations for a house (knowledge and understanding), which you then get to build on – both the essentials (toilet, bathroom, kitchen, bedrooms) and the discretionary...

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Money Pillar #3 - Save getgoodwithmoney learnaboutmoney moneypillars May 24, 2022

Building on the previous Money Pillars – Income and Spending, now we come to something a bit more “fun” – saving!  I realise this isn’t what you probably think of when you want to have some fun, however, from a money perspective, seeing your money grow and build...

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Money Pillar #1 - Income getgoodwithmoney learnaboutmoney makemoremoney May 24, 2022

While the term “Money Pillar” might be new to you, the concepts behind it won’t be. The best place to start is with Income, which underpins what you have to “work with” when it comes to your money.

Once you have figured out why you want money, and how your values are...

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Money 101 Simplified financialliteracy getgoodwithmoney learnaboutmoney letstalkaboutmoney moneymindset May 11, 2022

Hello!  If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the information thrown at you every day, then you’re not alone.  There is so much data and information to consume as part of work, but then there is everything in your home life as well (and once your kids go to school, that...

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