Money Made Simple Blog

How to Create Wealth Jun 26, 2024

Do you want to be wealthy?  Do you know what that means for you?

There are 3 elements of creating wealth, and the KEY is to do them all in PARALLEL!  Here they are:

  1. Clarity
  2. Diversification
  3. Consistency

 This is what it looks like:


This relates to being clear on...

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Empowerment and Confidence as We Age Jun 19, 2024

Aging is both a privilege and a challenge.  The older we get, the more we realise there is to learn.  One of the things I love about getting older, is the wisdom that has come with experience, and the confidence that has also come with it.  I've done so many things, travelled to so...

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Truth About Our Brains and Money Jun 12, 2024

Our brains are like super computers - we process so much information each day.  We also experience and process lots of emotions too, which is what makes us "super".  Like any computer, we need to program it in a way that is actually going to give us the outcome that we want - which is...

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Parenting Children with Neurodiversity Jun 05, 2024

Being a parent is a big job.  Nothing prepares you for the changes having children bring to your life.  Talk about adulting on steroids!

Then, if your child is neurodiverse, there are more complexities to consider.  Recently, I spoke with psychologist Leanne Tran about this topic,...

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Finding Joy in Simplicity May 29, 2024

Life has become more and more complex.  Whether it's technology and how "connected" we all are, or how much choice we have (have you been to the milk aisle of the supermarket lately?), there is so much around us.

I remember as a kid when my parents would come home from work and we would all...

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Maree Kirkpatrick on Selling with Ease May 22, 2024

When I first met Maree Kirkpatrick, I could tell this was a person who was passionate about what she does.  She is passionate about helping businesses learn how to sell. 

This may seem like a strange thing to be passionate about, but what is behind this is helping a business make...

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Celebrating Mother's Day May 15, 2024

In some way shape or form, we have all experienced the care of a mother - whether it's our own or someone else's (including a grandmother).  There is something special about that caring energy, and Mother's Day is the perfect opportunity to recognise not just mothers, but caring, kind energy...

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Spelt Sourdough Bread Recipe May 08, 2024

There is nothing like the smell and taste of freshly baked bread out of your oven!

I've been on a journey with bread making for a while, and started making my own spelt sourdough bread nearly a year ago.  Because spelt flour behaves differently to high-protein flours (like wheat), I had to...

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Where is my cash when I have profit? May 01, 2024

Is your business turning a profit, but your bank account is not reflecting this with the amount of cash you are expecting to see?

This is a very common issue for small business owners.  Managing cashflow is not something that we are taught - either in our personal life or our business life.

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Living an Intentional Life Apr 24, 2024

What does it mean to live an intentional life, and how does money factor into this?

Well, I'm glad you asked.  Being intentional means being present, deliberate and conscious in the choices we make and how our life actually is.

I don't know about you, but I had no idea what this meant until...

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How to Make Money Fun Apr 17, 2024

When we see little kids play, they are having fun.  My daughter will prioritise fun over everything else (and I mean everything - even eating and sleeping!).

Somehow, as we grow up, "adulting" kicks in, and the time we have for fun decreases dramatically.  So, when we do get to have...

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When My Travel Budget Got Blown Apr 10, 2024

Travel is fun.  Budgeting is not.  So, why am I writing a blog post about travel budgeting, and when my last travel budget got blown?

Well, because I think it's amusing to share, and it might help others if they encounter a similar situation.

Each year my mother, daughter and I go on a...

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