Money Made Simple Blog

Does Willpower Work? budgeting money mindset Jun 14, 2023

Willpower is one of those words that most of us scringe at the thought of, but somehow think we need more of.

What is willpower?  Psychologists define it as the ability to delay gratification, resisting short-term temptations in order to meet long-term goals The capacity to override an...

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Big Hairy Audacious Dreams dream big lifestyle vision self-discovery Jun 07, 2023

When we are children we love to dream.  Dreaming of games, far away places, new worlds, you name it.  There are no boundaries to imagination when you're a child and haven't heard "you can't do that" enough times.

My daughter has some pretty big dreams, and it has made me realise that I...

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome business mindset mindset success mindset May 31, 2023

Imposter Syndrome is one of those terms that many of us have heard, pretty much understand, but don't necessarily know what to do about.

WHAT is Imposter Syndrome?

The definition is "The persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result...

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The Power of Support business strategy business support May 24, 2023

Support is something, as human beings, that we all need.  It isn't always there naturally though.  When you think that our first experiences in life are our families, and for various reasons they may not be able to provide much support, or the support is either financial or emotional,...

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Travel Budgeting Tips travel travel budgeting May 17, 2023

That travelling bug is mighty.  I caught it as a young child travelling with my parents.  It started out with us going back to Europe every 2 years to visit family, and then when I was old enough to travel on my own I would travel as often as I could.  

The two main things you...

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Being Wise with Money May 10, 2023

Ah wisdom.  It's what many of us aspire to. Or, is it?

Often, when I ask my clients what they want from money, they answer (among other things), wisdom.  Or at least to be money wise.

What then does having wisdom mean about who we are as a person?  

When I looked up what the...

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How to Find More Hours in Your Day money tips productivity time management May 02, 2023

Time is something we all want more of. Time is more often a limiting factor in our lives that impacts our decisions – more so than money!

Money is something we can make more of, yet time is relatively limited (I say relatively, because some people get a tremendous amount in a short space of...

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Success and the Power of YET beliefs get good with money money mindset money stories Apr 26, 2023

Success is often linked with happiness. Both are states that many of us aspire to and are in a constant state of pursuing. How do we know when we are successful though? How do we know when we are happy?

Understanding what success is for you and why this is your vision of success is important....

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Why Change Needs Movement Apr 19, 2023

Change is something that is often feared. The thing is, change is the essence of life. Every moment we are changing, even at a cellular level. Our minds are changing and growing with every new experience.

It’s our “perception” of change that causes the feeling of fear. Going...

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Overcoming Financial Fears financial fear moneymindset Apr 05, 2023

Fear can be incredibly debilitating. When it comes to money it can cause anxiety and financial problems to become magnified more than they need to.

There is a lot of mindset work behind this – Beliefs from childhood, habits that aren’t serving you that feel like a cycle you...

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How to Talk with Your Kids About Money Mar 22, 2023

Money never used to be the “thing” that so many of us had as our primary concern in life. The main concerns were finding adequate shelter, food and remaining healthy. As the urgency of these needs began to be more easily met, we found other things to be concerned about. Also, the...

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How Money Impacts Relationships budgeting financial literacy how to talk about money money and relationships money stress Mar 15, 2023

Money is something that can create conflict and also can create a lot of freedom. When you think of the word relationship and money, I'm guessing the first type of relationship that enters your head is a romantic one. Be that with a partner, husband or wife. A lot of couples do not talk about...

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