Money Made Simple Blog

Raising Your Money Energy Nov 29, 2023

Everything is energy.  Energy is neither good nor bad, it just "is".  The meaning we assign to the energy can be "positive" or "negative".  Money is very emotive, so the feelings we have are strong drivers for how money shows up in our life - personal and business.

Being "in flow"...

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Inspiring Holiday Reading Nov 22, 2023

Reading is something I love to do, and yet I don't get nearly as much time as I would like to do it.  I started off this year with a reading list, where I broke down how many pages I would need to read of each book to get through everything.

A slight snag - I kept finding out about and...

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Christmas Planning Ideas christmas money christmas planning Nov 15, 2023

Christmas is less than 6 weeks away, so now is the time to start thinking about what sort of Christmas you want to have, rather than it creeping up on you and the mad dash to the shops begins!

The main expenses at Christmas are:

  1. Presents
  2. Food.

Presents are nice, but very often they end up just...

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Life Admin Hacks Nov 08, 2023

Being an adult can often feel just plain hard - especially as a woman, a mum and a business owner.  There is SO much to do.  Life Admin is also something we don't really acknowledge to the fullest extent of its impact.  

We realise there is housework, taking care of the kids,...

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Turning Overwhelm into Action Nov 01, 2023

Feeling overwhelmed in the present day is completely understandable.  There are SO many facets to our lives that have multiple layers.  Anytime anything changes, this adds to the mental load.

There is an Inner Layer that goes with this:

  1. Your Beliefs (about who you are and what you are...
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Inside the Enriched Life Club business finance business mindset money mindset personal finance Oct 25, 2023

What is the Enriched Life Club, you might be asking?

It's the ONE PLACE for Women Business Owners who want to generate enough money to support the lifestyle they want now and in retirement, with the confidence to know they won't run out of money!

PLUS, Mindset Tools and Strategies to support you...

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Intuitive Decision Making - Blending Business Acumen with Spiritual Wisdom Oct 18, 2023

Can you be both spiritual and a successful business woman?  ABSOLUTELY!

How you practice spirituality is part of your journey and we all evolve in this space.  It goes beyond personal development, and into the realm of "being" and "receiving".  

There is a peace and calm that...

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Awareness, Curiosity & Clarity Trio Oct 11, 2023

If you find yourself in a situation, whether it be in your personal life or business, that you don't completely like, the only way to make a change is to first become aware of the issue or problem.

Awareness is THE first step in any journey.  Without it, you don't actually go anywhere, do...

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5 Ways to Improve Your Small Business Cashflow Oct 04, 2023

Cashflow is something that is the lifeline for small businesses.  Having started out as a corporate tax accountant, I was always trained to focus on the Profit and Loss (or Cash Statement) and the Balance Sheet. 

However, cash really is the health check of any...

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Money Mindset Makeover Sep 27, 2023

 What is Mindset and how does it impact your relationship with money?

You have likely heard of the concepts Carol Dweck brought into the mainstream of having either a Growth Mindset or a Fixed Mindset. Since then, the word "mindset" has been applied to many different areas, including money.

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Following Your Authentic Path Sep 20, 2023

 Authenticity is a word that is used quite a bit these days, but what does it really mean?  A synonym is "genuine", and even then the concept is still a bit practically illusive.

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Rudi Landmann - someone who epitomises living their own...

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Harness Your Superpowers and Be Prosperous Sep 13, 2023

Life is about polarity - things come easily to us or are difficult to, problems are big or small, people are challenging or easy, life flows or feels stuck.  I could go on, but I'm sure you see what I'm getting at.

Prosperity is a goal that many of us aspire to achieve in our lives, both...

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