Money Made Simple Blog
Managing your money as it comes in and goes out can be challenging at the best of times. It's even more challenging when your income fluctuates and some of your expenses do also (when they are linked to your income). This is particularly the case if you are employed casually,...
What comes to your mind when you think of being "financially free"?
It's a term that gets used, but it's unlikely that we really understand. I know I had no idea until not that long ago!
Freedom is one of those words that is often interpreted differently. For me, freedom...
Frustration is something we all feel at some point in our lives. The question is, WHY are we feeling frustrated? What is the problem that's causing this feeling?
Before we even answer this, get EXCITED about the fact that you're frustrated.
Because it means you have energy...
Investing is something that we should all be doing. Education about investing always comes across as complex and overwhelming and so full of jargon! It's also usually targeted as specific types of asset investing - such as property or shares.
There are multiple ways to invest,...
Have you ever sat back and wondered where time has gone? It seems to fly, especially after kids, and as I approach my mid-40s, it feels like the last 2 decades have just slipped by.
It makes you think about where you're headed and what it is that you want to still do. At least, I have...
Travelling is meant to be fun. It is also expensive and there are lots of things that can go wrong, where the costs go up a lot more than you expect. I have been travelling my whole life. My first overseas trip was with my parents when I was 4 years old. As a grown up, I...
I don’t know about you, but I certainly hadn’t thought that much about the lifestyle I wanted when I was a teenager, or even in my twenties. My thoughts about the future were mainly things that had been drummed into me from my parents and grandparents – “get good ...
I’m guessing you went into business to do something that you enjoy, or felt strongly enough about to keep at it. Not to necessarily become a finance person. However, your finances are key to helping you amplify your impact and reach more customers. Not to mention fund the...
How Embracing Failure Brings Happiness
Failure, as unpleasant as it is, is an important, necessary part of life. Life is about polarity – the only reason we even know what happiness is, is because we have experienced sadness and failure.
If we aren’t failing at something, we...
Willpower is one of those words that most of us scringe at the thought of, but somehow think we need more of.
What is willpower? Psychologists define it as the ability to delay gratification, resisting short-term temptations in order to meet long-term goals The capacity to override an...
When we are children we love to dream. Dreaming of games, far away places, new worlds, you name it. There are no boundaries to imagination when you're a child and haven't heard "you can't do that" enough times.
My daughter has some pretty big dreams, and it has made me realise that I...
Imposter Syndrome is one of those terms that many of us have heard, pretty much understand, but don't necessarily know what to do about.
WHAT is Imposter Syndrome?
The definition is "The persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result...