Money Made Simple Blog

Budgeting for Business and Personal Mar 27, 2024

What images and feelings do you have when you think about the word and the concept of budgeting?

I'm guessing you probably started to glaze over and think about what part of your house needs dusting next :-)

The thing is, budgeting becomes unavoidable, especially as a business owner.  Not...

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Overcoming Money Shame and Guilt Mar 20, 2024

Our relationship with money is a journey, rather than a destination.  We are constantly learning, growing and evolving as humans.  Just like the relationship we have with ourselves and those around us, they aren't static.

Growing up, I didn't really think too much about money, except...

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5 Elements of a Money Strategy Mar 13, 2024

Manifestation and Money Strategy might seem like a odd combination, but in order to make anything real (which is what manifestation essentially is), you first need to be super clear.

Strategy gives you direction and is a way to condense your "wish list" into a structure that you can make plans...

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Pay off Debt Faster Mar 06, 2024

Paying off debt as quickly as possible is something many of us aspire to.  It does depend on the debt, so this more applies to debt that is incurred for "things" that don't earn you income or provide a capital return when the price/value goes up.

The "Snowball Your Debts" approach can work...

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5 Money Habits to Build Wealth in Your 30s and 40s Feb 28, 2024

Our habits create our reality.  What are habits though?

They are repeated behaviours that have engrained a neural pathway in our brains, so that we think the thought, or do the activity without being consciously aware of it.

Habits are a powerful tool to help us be more effective, and to...

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What We Pay Attention To Improves Feb 21, 2024

Have you ever noticed that where our attention goes gets the best results?  Be it our relationships, our health, our business, and our money!

Imagine if you ignored your friends, or your kids or your partner or your clients.  Those relationships would all deteriorate pretty quickly.


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Why Money Feels So Hard Feb 14, 2024

Money brings up all sorts of emotions in us - overwhelm, fear, shame, guilt, anger, confusion.

Wouldn't it be great if instead of these emotions, it make us feel - joy, excitement, determined, clear, confident.

How then, do you shift from one end of the scale to the other?

1. Challenging Your...

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Life, Finances and Alcohol Feb 07, 2024

Alcohol is something that has varying degrees of impact in the lives of nearly all of us.  I met Emma Gilmour from Hope Rising through a mastermind group we are both in, and we instantly connected.  The work she does and the journey she has been on is incredible.  To find out more,...

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How I Got from There to Here Jan 31, 2024

Time is something that passes, whether we like it or not.  Often, we are motivated to do something because of a trigger - something has happened to make us pay attention or take action.

A lot of what we do in life is pretty random, which makes time seem to pass faster.  Before we know...

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In case you need to refocus already (like me) Jan 24, 2024

How is your 2024 going so far?

If you're like me, it started out smoothly enough, and then started to falter a bit.  Not because I wasn't clear on the things I wanted the year to bring, or what I needed to do.

I got sick, and my energy just disappeared.

I'm not used to not having...

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Plan for an Awesome 2024! Dec 20, 2023

The beginning of a new year is often when we make resolutions and plans for the year ahead.
Quite often these don’t survive the first month of the year, and there are a few reasons that could be the cause:

  • There are just too many resolutions and...
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Money Mind Fuel Dec 06, 2023

While the words "Money Mind Fuel" might seem a bit abstract, the concept behind it is simple - do you give your mind the right fuel to make sure that your money mindset is helping you, rather than hindering you?

What do I mean by fuel you might be thinking?  Well, good thing you...

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